For pick-up or delivery February 11-14, 2025.
This hand-tied bouquet will be designed with 2-3 varieties of roses to create dimension and variance in size, with just a touch of complimentary foliage. Available in one or two dozen roses, for the classic beau.
Each generous bouquet is a celebration of nature's unruly beauty, wrapped in simple yet elegant craft paper, and tied with a velvet bow, reflecting the authentic and artisanal essence of Brooklyn's charm. Whether it's a gesture of love, a symbol of gratitude, or a self-care indulgence, our 'Dozen Roses’ Flower Bouquet is a perfect choice to add a splash of floral joy to any occasion or space. Let the natural beauty of Stonefruit's flowers bring a serene and uplifting ambiance to your environment.
Pick-up at the flower shops in Brooklyn
Pick up from our Bedstuy or Greenpoint shops. Select a day, time, and location in your cart for pick-up. Bedstuy pick ups scheduled before 10 am will be at the cafe counter. GREENPOINT LANDING RESIDENTS can choose pick up from the Greenpoint shop, and note your building and apartment in the NOTES, we can leave your flowers at the building's desk!
Valentine's Day Flower delivery in Brooklyn, New York
Now offering delivery for orders over $50 throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens for qualifying zip codes. Due to the nature of weather and traffic, we cannot guarantee a timed delivery, though we will be partnering with Metrobi who will reach out prior to delivery, and confirm delivery with a photo. All deliveries will be dropped off between 10am and 5pm. If the recipient is not at home, we will leave their order outside their door. Please include specific notes regarding delivery (doorman, etc) in the NOTES section of the cart.
*All flowers vary based on season and availability.*